GENERATE Camp by YM360


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GENERATE Required Forms

Due two weeks after securing space for camp next summer:

Authorized Leader Agreement – Upon securing your space for camp next summer, we will need you to sign this form agreeing to GENERATE Camp’s terms and conditions.  This form can be emailed to generate@ym360.com.

Due two weeks before camp (Or 45 days for Beach and Conference Center Camps):

Special Occasion Form – Will someone be celebrating an occasion while at camp this summer? We would love to know! Based on the information given on this form, we will do all we can to make sure this event is celebrated. We need this form to be turned in to us two weeks before your first day of camp. This form can be emailed to housing@ym360.com.

Special Needs Request – Do you have a participant in your group with a food allergy, physical disability, or other specific needs? By filling out this form, GENERATE staff can take the needed actions to best serve this participant. We need this form to be turned in to us two weeks before your first day of camp. This form can be emailed to housing@ym360.com.

Rooming List – In the spring months, the GENERATE Staff will email you a personalized link to a Google Spreadsheet where you will fill out the following information:

  • The first and last name of everyone in your group
  • A roommate that each person would prefer to be housed with (we call this a housing pairing) – Most housing accommodations are with rooms that have a capacity of 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. These room setups vary from camp location to camp location.
  • Shirt sizes for everyone in your group
  • Any known allergies or other special requests for the week.

Your Final Number – On this date, your church will no longer be able to drop space for your camp registration.


Due at Check-In on Day 1 of Camp:

Waiver and Release Form – This is the most important form for each person in your group. We need a Waiver and Release Form for every person in your group (including adults and children).  You can download the PDF here and turn in all signed Waiver and Release forms at Check-In on the first day of camp.

Background Check Verification Form – To ensure the safety of all who come to camp, we need all adults coming with your group to GENERATE to undergo a background screening. This form certifies that all of your adults have been screened within the past 12 months. We need this form to be turned in to us at check-in on your first day of camp. For a list of suggested sites to use for Background Checks, click here. 

Kids Academy of Awesomeness Registration Form – If you plan to bring your elementary-aged children to take part in the Kids Academy of Awesomeness at camp, please fill out this form! All details for the Kids Academy of Awesomeness can be found on this link. The Kids Academy of Awesomeness is not provided at beach events.

GENERATE Camp by YM360

Roger Davis on Why GENERATE Camp Bucks Exist

Sending a student to camp?

What are camp bucks?

Camp Bucks are gift cards that friends and family can purchase online to send to their camper while they are away at camp. These camp bucks can be purchased in increments of $5.

The GENERATE Store also accepts cash and credit cards for all transactions.

How do students receive camp bucks?

Once someone from home has purchased Camp Bucks for their student, our GENERATE staff will give an envelope containing the camper’s Camp Bucks to this camper’s group leader that night at the Youth Minister’s Meeting.

When can camp bucks be purchased?

Camp Bucks can be purchased anytime before a camp begins until the third day of the camp that your student is attending.

What are camp bucks used for?

Camp Bucks are good for all purchases made at the GENERATE store. T-shirts, hoodies, hats, books, and more can be purchased at the GENERATE store.

Camp Option Description Videos


SERVE Option

GUIDE Option



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