

Born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee, Christian Seay has had a heartbeat for music since a young age. Growing up playing guitar and singing would ultimately lead him on a pathway to a career in music. At the age of 16, Christian took his original music, and unique sound to the streets of Memphis playing a variety of local shows, booking himself at any place that allowed local musicians to play. After almost 2 years of the local music scene, Christian took a turn and followed a new heartbeat. This time it was a bit different.

Christian felt The Lord calling him into ministry, specifically worship leading. He began this new journey at Munford Presbyterian Church as a student ministry worship intern where he would work tirelessly for the next 3 years helping them bring their student ministry program to the next level. His hard work led him to his next growing opportunity at Christ City Church in the heart of Midtown Memphis. This new church plant was looking for unique talent and passionate leadership to help bring the Gospel and hope of Jesus to Memphis. Under the Senior Pastor at the time, Christian faithfully stepped into an intense worship and theology internship with the hope of growing further in his skills as a worship leader. It was during his time at Christ City that Christian developed a stronger passion and desire to reach people who needed to know Jesus and draw them to be a part of the growing and diverse local church.

At the completion of his 9-month internship with Christ City and unknowingly what would happen next, Christian received a call that would bring him back to his roots. Hope Church, one of the fastest growing churches in the EPC and Memphis, was looking for a part-time worship and program director to lead their middle and high school ministry. Without any hesitation, Christian jumped at the opportunity and would spend the next 2.5 years planting and growing relationships with a diverse student body while helping to raise the bar when it came to weekly programming. Not only was he responsible for helping with weekly Wednesday night student programming, he was also responsible for helping lead the charge at both the Sunday morning and Sunday evening programs. One of his biggest challenges, bringing a next-level worship night experience once a month while working hard to keep both middle and high school students interested and connected through not only worship but prayer — doing both in a creative and strategic process.

During his time at Hope, Christian was introduced to Annie Smith, another worship leader who shared the same calling to worship leading as Christian. Soon after Christian and Annie met, they began dating. Working hard to be intentional, the majority of their relationship was long distance until Annie made the decision to move back to Memphis from New York City and finish her college degree while leading worship alongside Christian. After just a year of dating, Christian proposed to Annie and 3 months later they were married. After a successful 2.5 years at Hope, Christian had an opportunity to step into full-time worship ministry as the worship pastor at Christ Church in Bartlett, a suburb outside of Memphis. Over the next year, Christian and Annie would lead the congregation of Christ Church and develop a new worship culture each Sunday. After a year at Christ Church, the Lord had a new plan for Christian and Annie. Annie was hired full-time as a Student Creative Director and Worship Leader at another church in Memphis. Christian left his full-time worship pastor position. Together they created and founded MoveLove Music, a community of worshippers called to inspire, equip, and send out students for a life fully surrendered in worship. Today, they are passionately leading the charge to change the way students experience worship. Christian and Annie live in Midtown Memphis with their two dogs, Chaco and Maggie.