
Jimmy McNeal

Jimmy McNeal
Jimmy McNeal
Jimmy McNeal
  • Hometown
    Austin, TX
  • Web Sites

Jimmy McNeal has a sincere desire for the body of Christ to devote their whole lives to worshiping God not only inside, but outside the walls of the church building. Jimmy’s energy and passion for God is contagious, and he leads out of an overflow of his love for Jesus. Serving as one of the worship leaders at Austin Stone Community Church in Austin, TX, God continues to challenge him and his bandmates to live out the call He has placed on their lives through love, service, and missional living.

Growing up in Waxahachie, TX, Jimmy had no clue this would be the road that God would take him on. Jimmy had big dreams of using the money he would make as an NFL linebacker to fund his career as an R&B artist. His first shot at fame came with his appearance on American Idol. Although he was cut shortly after becoming a top 40 finalist, Jimmy knew that God was preparing him for something different.

God used this opportunity to bring him to a place of complete surrender. “I remember reading Luke 9:23-24 over and over again, praying and asking God to do with my life what He pleased . . .  just to simply have His way within me.” It wasn’t until God began to reveal to him a calling to and passion for worship that he began to pursue it. In addition to his service at Austin Stone, Jimmy has had opportunities to lead worship with Chris Tomlin on tour and at a few Passion Conferences.

Jimmy lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, Staci, and their son, Jackson.

“It does not take long to spend time with Jimmy before you love being with him and under his leadership. He is full of genuine passion. We are thrilled to partner with him in Kingdom advancement.” – J. Roger Davis